Source code for pymagicc.magicc_time

Handling of conversion from datetime to MAGICC's internal time conventions and back.

Internally, MAGICC effectively operates on a monthly calendar, where each year is
comprised of 12 equally sized months. This convention means that we have to be a bit
careful when moving back and forth between datetimes and MAGICC's time conventions.
However, we also want Pymagicc to be a little bit flexible and smart about how it
handles these conversions. As a result, we must interpret 'middle of the month' and
'start of the month' rather than strictly defining them. This module defines these
import datetime as dt
from calendar import monthrange
from functools import lru_cache

import numpy as np

_convert_to_decimal_required_precision = 4 * 10 ** -3
"""Maximum relative deviation between float times before they are considered unequal"""

_startmonths_magicc = np.arange(0, 1, 1 / 12)
_midmonths_magicc = _startmonths_magicc + 1 / 24

_dummy_year_start = dt.datetime(2001, 1, 1)

def _calc_seconds_from_dummy_year_start(dt_in):
    return (dt_in - _dummy_year_start).total_seconds()

def _calc_start_month_year_frac(mth):
    total_s = _calc_seconds_from_dummy_year_start(
        dt.datetime(_dummy_year_start.year + 1, 1, 1)

    start_month = (
        _calc_seconds_from_dummy_year_start(dt.datetime(_dummy_year_start.year, mth, 1))
        / total_s

    return start_month

def _calc_mid_month_year_frac(mth):
    total_s = _calc_seconds_from_dummy_year_start(
        dt.datetime(_dummy_year_start.year + 1, 1, 1)
    _, month_days = monthrange(_dummy_year_start.year, mth)
    day_decimal = month_days * 0.5
    day = int(day_decimal)
    hour = int(day_decimal % 1 * 24)
    mid_month = (
            dt.datetime(_dummy_year_start.year, mth, day, hour)
    ) / total_s

    return mid_month

_startmonths = np.array([_calc_start_month_year_frac(m) for m in range(1, 13)])
_midmonths = np.array([_calc_mid_month_year_frac(m) for m in range(1, 13)])

[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=128) def convert_to_datetime(decimal_year): """ Convert a decimal year from MAGICC to a datetime Parameters ---------- decimal_year : float Time point to convert Returns ------- :obj:`datetime.datetime` Datetime representation of MAGICC's decimal year Raises ------ ValueError If we are not confident that the input times follow MAGICC's internal time conventions (i.e. are not start or middle of the month). """ # MAGICC dates are to nearest month at most precise year = int(decimal_year) month_decimal = decimal_year % 1 * 12 month_fraction = month_decimal % 1 # decide if start, middle or end of month if month_fraction > 0.9: # MAGICC is never actually end of month, this case is just due to # rounding errors. e.g. in MAGICC, 1000.083 is year 1000, start of # February, but, for February, decimal_year % 1 * 12 = 0.083 * 12 # = 0.996. Hence to get the right month, i.e. February, we need to add 1 # to the month after rounding. month = int(np.ceil(month_decimal)) + 1 day = 1 hour = 1 elif np.round(month_fraction, 1) == 0.5: # middle of month month = int(np.ceil(month_decimal)) _, month_days = monthrange(year, month) day_decimal = month_days * 0.5 day = int(day_decimal) hour = int(day_decimal % 1 * 24) elif np.round(month_fraction, 1) == 0: # start of month month = int(month_decimal) + 1 day = 1 hour = 1 else: error_msg = "Your timestamps don't appear to be middle or start of month" raise ValueError(error_msg) res = dt.datetime(year, month, day, hour) return res
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=128) def convert_to_decimal_year(idtime): """ Convert a datetime to MAGICC's expected decimal year representation Parameters ---------- idtime : :obj:`datetime.datetime` :obj:`datetime.datetime` instance to convert to MAGICC's internal decimal year conventions Returns ------- float MAGICC's internal decimal year representation of ``idtime`` Raises ------ ValueError If we are not confident about how to convert the input times so that they follow MAGICC's internal time conventions (i.e. we are not sure if ``idtime`` is start or middle of the month). """ year = idtime.year month = idtime.month year_fraction = (idtime - dt.datetime(year, 1, 1)).total_seconds() / ( dt.datetime(year + 1, 1, 1) - dt.datetime(year, 1, 1) ).total_seconds() midmonth_decimal_bit = ((month - 1) * 2 + 1) / 24 startmonth_decimal_bit = (month - 1) / 12 if _yr_frac_close_to(year_fraction, _midmonths_magicc): decimal_bit = midmonth_decimal_bit elif _yr_frac_close_to(year_fraction, _midmonths): decimal_bit = midmonth_decimal_bit elif _yr_frac_close_to(year_fraction, _startmonths_magicc, must_be_greater=True): decimal_bit = startmonth_decimal_bit elif _yr_frac_close_to(year_fraction, _startmonths, must_be_greater=True): decimal_bit = startmonth_decimal_bit else: error_msg = "Your timestamps don't appear to be middle or start of month" raise ValueError(error_msg) return np.round(year + decimal_bit, 3) # match MAGICC precision
def _yr_frac_close_to(yfrac, other, must_be_greater=False): match_idx = np.where( np.abs(yfrac - other) < _convert_to_decimal_required_precision )[0] if match_idx.size == 0: return False if must_be_greater and yfrac < other[match_idx]: return False return True def _adjust_df_index_to_match_timeseries_type(df, ttype): """ Adjust a df's index to reflect the underlying timeseries type Parameters ---------- df : :obj:`pd.DataFrame` Dataframe to adjust ttype : str String indicating the kind of data in the file (look at the sample .MAG file for explanation of the types in detail) Returns ------- :obj:`pd.DataFrame` Dataframe with times adjusted to match with ``ttype`` """ if ttype in ("POINT_START_YEAR", "AVERAGE_YEAR_START_YEAR"): df.index = x: dt.datetime(x, 1, 1)) return df if ttype in ("POINT_MID_YEAR", "AVERAGE_YEAR_MID_YEAR"): df.index = x: dt.datetime(x, 7, 1)) return df if ttype in ("POINT_END_YEAR", "AVERAGE_YEAR_END_YEAR"): df.index = x: dt.datetime(x, 12, 31)) return df if ttype in ("MONTHLY",): df.index = return df raise AssertionError("Unrecognised `ttype`: {}".format(ttype)) # pragma: no cover